Base of suppliers and manufacturers in China - our company's achievements

Now representatives of Russian business are interested in establishing partnerships...
Today, enterprises of any industry, as well as representatives of Russian business, are more than ever interested in establishing long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with manufacturers and suppliers of various goods from China to Russia. And the most important stage in the beginning of such cooperation is the search for a supplier in China, on which the success of the whole business directly depends.

For more than 7 years, CargoBing has been providing services in the field of international cargo transportation by all means of transport to more than 50 countries of the world located on different continents, as well as qualified assistance in finding reliable manufacturers and suppliers of electronics, clothing, mobile devices, computer equipment, spare parts and accessories, construction, road special equipment and other goods.

What are the features of finding a supplier in China?

One of the most dangerous options is to start working with scammers or an unscrupulous company. The result of such cooperation is most often the receipt of a low-quality product that does not meet the declared characteristics and properties, failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, re-grading or understaffed products, lack of warranty obligations and the inability to return or exchange defective goods. This is not a complete list of the negative consequences of cooperation with an unverified manufacturer or supplier, to this we must add lost time, nerves, money and the need to start all over again. At the same time, your competitors will successfully develop their business, and can generally completely occupy a free niche in the Russian market.
In order to prevent such a development of events, it is best to contact one of the large Chinese logistics companies CargoBing. Over the years, our employees have collected a fairly extensive base of reliable manufacturers in various industries and fields of activity. There are also suppliers of equipment for large industrial enterprises, furniture factories, factories for the manufacture of metal structures and turbines, spare parts and small factories for sewing clothes, shoes, and so on.
Qualified managers who are well aware of the nuances of the domestic market will always be able to find the right product much faster and check the reliability of the manufacturer. In addition, if necessary, they will assist in organizing negotiations, where they will represent the interests of the customer. And also in the correct drafting of the contract and full documentary support of all transactions, taking into account the norms and laws of both countries.

Advantages of choosing a supplier of goods in China from the ready-made CargoBing database

If suppliers of components, medical equipment, components for perfumery or any other product in which a representative of a Russian business is interested are in the collected database, then there is no need to spend time and money on searching and various checks, purchasing trial lots and other nuances. Before entering this database, the company is checked for reliability, and the products for their quality and compliance with the required criteria, as well as Russian standards. In addition, there are mainly suppliers with whom CargoBing has been successfully cooperating for several years.
Therefore, such assistance in finding a supplier in China has a number of important advantages:
  1. Takes a minimum of time;
  2. Reliability guarantee;
  3. Concluding agreements and signing contracts as soon as possible;
  4. Organization of a full cycle of cargo transportation from Chongqing, Wuxi, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other industrial centers of the country to Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg.
In addition, the company provides a wide range of additional services to optimize all processes of mutually beneficial cooperation, from the collection and consolidation of cargo in its own warehouses, including its verification, certification, labeling, and ending with turnkey delivery with a guarantee of the integrity and safety of material assets and observance of terms and volumes of delivery.

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