Fast delivery from China to Barnaul is possible by air transport or a combined method when several modes of transport are involved.
Sea and railway transportation is in great demand. They are most relevant when
delivery of oversized cargo from China to Barnaul or large consignments of goods is required. This option is suitable for the transportation of almost any cargo - general, groupage, container, liquid, bulk, gaseous.
Sea freight is a longer delivery option, so if you are going to transport cargo in this way, you should definitely take this into account. Especially when it comes to seasonal goods.
The fastest, but also the most expensive option is air delivery, which is in high demand when you need to deliver urgent or high-value goods, medicines and perishable products, samples of new device models or components necessary for the production needs of the enterprise.
Given all the above difficulties, many Russian businessmen in the current situation prefer to order a turnkey delivery service from a Chinese logistics company.